There are may app which we relate with our family and friends in day to day life, Now that we have a lot of new exciting apps, what name you like to add in the list?
If social media is family than the whatsApp will be a MOTHER
Which always be with you from morning slot to till night. Aware with new things as well as introduce with new things..
If social media is family than the LinkedIn will be a FATHER
He this the one guy who support in each and every situation good bad either..
He knows every things..
If social media is family than the Instagram will be a Sister
she has unique things in her head..
If social media is family than the Tiktok will be a "Member that we've lost recently"
If social media is family than the Twitter will be a Gossiping aunt
If social media is family than the Twitter will be a BFF
snap chat will be a friend who never live without makeup